In every flash project i work on i want constructive critisism.
Why? to inprove the things that the audience find Shitty/bad.
But. These last few months i've noticed various changes in the Reviewers.
Not only do some of them acually act like total douches and pretty much insult our work.
They take down the animators by doing so. I meen. lets face it. After alot of insults,
I think most of the animators here would give in and stop animating.
Sure Anime style may be overused. But maybe there is a reason its overused?
Its a decent looking style. Its good to watch. What do you guys want? A perfect new style?
Its hard enough to design everything on your own. But then. you need to animate the entire thing aswell.
Sometimes i wish the up and comers on Newgrounds would get a little bit of respect
Because by bashing and bombing somebody's work. you wont make them inprove.
You'll most likely make them stop animating. And that is not what we want on NG.
Well. Enough of this grammatical onslaught of a rant.
Im not going to be writing in perfect english at this moment.
Thats it for now.
Jochio ( Animations~
"Sure Anime style may be overused. But maybe there is a reason its overused?
Its a decent looking style. Its good to watch. What do you guys want? A perfect new style?"
You can't improve on a style that's pretty much already set in stone. Thus, you won't get many constructive reviews for your "anime" flashes. Since you say that it's a decent looking style, that's purely your opinion. It can also be the opinion of the reviewer that the style fucking sucks. People have opinions, deal with it. We don't need to see a perfect new style, just some proof that you want to be original and are trying to do so. Good luck!
Well. With changing a style i ment inproving your own art and animation skills
Not exacly changing the style itself! so i might have explained that correctly!
And about opinions. Ya. i know that everyone has there own opinion.
And i might have rushed this entire journal.
mostly because i was a bit angry last night.
Thanks for the comment and explanation!