Usually the artists that get the most insults are the ones that blatantly ask for it, but yeah, I see where you're coming from with being more constructive with criticism.
btw, when people say "overused anime style", they're just reffering to the ultra generic such as OMG KAWAI DESU expressions, winded dialoge (not the ironic, funny ones or the "shit just got real" serious ones, just the flat out annoying ones), and mostly just the ripping off of another anime altogether.
Like, let's take Trigun, a generally awesome anime, for example. Say that somebody made a flash movie that had the story as Trigun, the same archetype characters as Trigun, and the same scenes from Trigun. Basically making it Trigun, right? But lets say that the artists gave all the characters different names like "Dash" or "Doglumber", gave everybody palette swaps and cat ears, changed up portions of the story and dialoge to sound more like a 4kids translation rather than its original source, and added bits and pieces of other overused plot devices to meld together with the story only for the sake of diverting the audience from finding a connection to this and Trigun (like, instead of using guns, they use giant ass samurai swords, or have giant ass robots, or, like, suddenly have unexplained DBZ super powers I dunno) in the end, its still Trigun, just bastardize to a point of no return with all the style and flair reduced to a shell if its original form.
This is generally what turns people off from anime styled flashes online, because it feels as if all the artist is doing is taking what someone else worked hard on and meshed it into a pile of hackneyed elements, turning it into a pile of mediocrity. When critics notice this, they rarely take this lightly :/
Anything else anime isn't a big deal at all as long as the artist is trying to be original. Like, a story of a...19 year old Hostess temp worker in Maine, who... suddenly learns that the supposed office "Bring your own Burrito" bash was actually a..secret corporate scheme to kidnap and send him and the rest of his colleges to the 49 3/8th annual Triath-athon of Champions (quickly learned to be waaaaaay more than 3 challenges), in which he and hundreds of other poorly waged employees for packaged-goodies companies are to compete in a multitude of snack food-based competitions in order for the winning team's company to reign dominance over all other confectionery rivals and for that said team to also win prestigious spots within their CEO's own collective of personal advisers (just a fancy way of saying they win a do-nothing job with a salary a man would strangle a live baby for).
Now, the artist could add as many anime themes as he wanted to. Be they super sparkle eyes,transformation sequences, hidden blood-lines (I'd call em "cream fillings" :D), and all the super anime physics you could name) but the artist could never honestly be called out as being unoriginal or overusing already existing elements because the entire premise is, at the very least if it comes down to it, an original concept.
So if a person is mad at an artist for "overused anime elements", it will typically be because that person has seen them previously and is angered that someone else has stolen them and made them worse. I mean, they are simply respecting the artist of the original work by calling another artist out for stealing those ideas. You don't want to encourage up-and-coming artists to STEAL, do you?
Wow, this really shows how much free time I have. huh"? :P
Wrapping this up, you should always give an artist an A for effort when they try, but that does not mean you should take their guff if they feel they are above criticism and can rip off of as many already existing ideas as they feel fit and openly dismiss anyone for giving their own honest opinions calling the artist out on it.
"Sure Anime style may be overused. But maybe there is a reason its overused?
Its a decent looking style. Its good to watch. What do you guys want? A perfect new style?"
You can't improve on a style that's pretty much already set in stone. Thus, you won't get many constructive reviews for your "anime" flashes. Since you say that it's a decent looking style, that's purely your opinion. It can also be the opinion of the reviewer that the style fucking sucks. People have opinions, deal with it. We don't need to see a perfect new style, just some proof that you want to be original and are trying to do so. Good luck!
Well. With changing a style i ment inproving your own art and animation skills
Not exacly changing the style itself! so i might have explained that correctly!
And about opinions. Ya. i know that everyone has there own opinion.
And i might have rushed this entire journal.
mostly because i was a bit angry last night.
Thanks for the comment and explanation!