Part about Team Wobble and Buttonville.
Some of you people prob know about Team Wobble.
it went into the good Direction untill i made the Choice to atack the KK.
after doing that. the KK spammed Team Wobble's Site with Porn and shit.
people started to leave the Forum.. and i had no choice but to surrender.
I lost Every member. but.... Now.. after a long time.
Im reviving the Community.
Together with my good old friend (and Son in the Animations) Wibble.
and im hoping my best and Dearest friend. Elliot. (AKA ottermaniac)
will help me rebuild it aswell. (even though hes at Uni.)
I think itl Work pretty good aswell.
i meen. Sinds my last TW flash. i have grown alot in animation!
And i can think of alot of stuff! because now. i have 2 Characters of my own.
Wobble ofcourse. and my new char: Button Ragz (my reason on continueing Animation)
and i got a second dramatic thing to uncover.
a Female char in both Team Wobble. and Buttonville series.
First off. a not yet named Wobble char.
Second off. Ribbon Rose.
Both will be voiced by my Girlfriend.
But. they will be introduced after new year.
ButtonVille and Team Wobble.. they may be fused together in the future.
but im not certain of that one though.
Other News
Also. im making a Halloween movie.
it will have Skelleton jack from: The Nightmare Before Christmass.
im not done Drawing him but heres an Example for you guys.
Well.. thats about it.
il keep you guys updated.